Chimelong Xiangjiang Safari Park is recognised as the leading zoological park throughout all of China, located in the biggest city in south China Guangzhou, It holds a 5A class tourism attraction level, the highest level obtainable and is presently the only zoo in China to hold this ranking. Xiangjiang Safari Park combines fauna breed and protection, science research, tour and science education together, aiming at “protecting wildlife, protecting natural resources”.It is one of the best known, most beloved, and the largest animal park in all of China. It opened its gates in 1997, but has already served more than ten million guests.
In April 2006, Xiangjiang Safari Park received 6 koalas from Australia and is the only zoo in mainland China to display koalas. It is the only zoo in mainland China to display Koalas and is the only zoo in the world to currently have koala twins, an extremely rare occurance.
Xiangjiang Safari Park owns numerous rare wild animals of which there are over 70 heads of white tigers that makes it the largest white tiger breeding and exhibiting base in China. Besides the white tigers, there are white lions, white kangaroos, red-headed Cranes, Flamingos, Pygmy Hippos, polar bears and so on.
Chime-Long Xiangjiang Safari Park is also known as the heaven of animals ,as there are more than 400 species and 20000 heads of wild animals under large scale captive breeding. This is a place where you can feel the freshness and wildness of nature. It i is also the best place for tourists to get back to natural environment and get close to animals. visitors could get as close as they can to the animals, feed the animals by their own hands, as well as take photos with animals.
1. Full ticket: it is for the adult who taller than 1.5 meters.
2. Child ticket definition: from 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters height. The aged ticket definition:person who aged 65 years old or above, the identity card is needed.
3. Self-drive vehicle: no more than 20 seats in each vehicle
4. Free Pass: Each full ticket buyer can bring a child (shorter than 1.2 meters) without extra charge.Remark:
1. For the package ticket with Chimelong International Circus, please use them
within same day. Visitors need to put on a wrist band when you enter the first park; after then, please use the wrist band and ticket together to enter Chimelong International Circus.
2. If the package ticket relate to Guangzhou Crocodile Park, Crocodile Park entrance ticket is valid in a month, another entrance ticket is valid in the same day.
3. For the other package ticket, tourist can use the ticket within two days; every park can enter once only. Moreover, for two days package, tourists need to save the fingerprint in first park, and use it with the ticket to enter in second park.